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North Philly Project exists to impact the wellness of communities that have been underserved, marginalized, and often overlooked. Our intent is to be a resource of hope and inspiration, helping area residents connect to their life dreams.


Youth Initiatives
Education Gaps

North Philly Project uses education, recreation, and mentorship programs to elevate individuals and

families as they assert ownership in the

rebuilding of our community.

Do You Want to Play?

This collaborative effort uses basketball as a gathering point of recreation, education and career opportunities for growth and sustained success for community youth.

Harold Barnes Scholarship

The scholarship assists families, youth, and children of North Philadelphia in the continuance of education or vocational plans.

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Fatherhood Support

For more information call Aaron Wells at 267-225-5764 or email

Male Involvement Group

In partnership with Acelero, North Philly Project created the Male Involvement Group to provide a safe space and community for fathers raising children while doing the work of self-care and healing.  Through the Male Involvement Group, fathers connect to community resources and various supports needed to parent children in an ever-changing society.

We Kings

We Kings is a men’s support group that opens the door of opportunity for Black men to achieve sustainable brotherhood, stability, and personal success. We Kings is a corporate gathering of men drawing strength from each other’s life experiences and desires for personal greatness. Our mantra “I AM BECAUSE WE ARE” resonates through our gatherings, conversations and fellowships.

Health Disparities

In North Philadelphia health disparities are significant as more than 46% of its residents are entrenched in poverty. The resulting traumas and stressors associated with impoverished communities expose harsh truths of social determinants of North Philadelphia (healthcare access and equity, education access and quality, social and community context, economic stability, and neighborhood and built environment).


As residents look for answers and solutions for lives of wellness, North Philly Project decided to address trauma created through generational poverty, food deserts, lack of quality healthcare, and deficits for career focused workforce development. Through collaborative smart international partnerships with other community keyholders, North Philly Project is offering a wellness initiative as a resource and solution for community wellness in North Philly.

Wellness And You (THE WAY)

Juvenile Diabetes Initiative

Harm Reduction

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Economic & Career Development

Households in economically stressed communities deserve to have the lives they desire. North Philly Project and its partners offer initiatives and programs that seeks and creates strategies to enhance opportunities for economic/career development for residents of North Philly.


CNA/RNA Training Program

For more information email


Who We Are

North Philly Project is part of important community collaboratives, comprised of smart, intentional partnerships that work together to bring solutions to the issues that hinder wellness in North Philadelphia.


Listen to the vision of the NPP Board of Directors. 


Your donation will impact the wellness of our communities that have been underserved, marginalized, and often overlooked. It will help North Philly Project provide the resource of hope and inspiration, to help area youth and their families connect to their life dreams.


North Philly Project (EIN : 47-2723414) is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; registered nonprofit with the State of Pennsylvania.

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North Philly Project

1755 N. 13th Street, #176

Philadelphia, PA 19122



(267) 225-5764



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©2024 North Philly Project | Created by ReEntry by Design

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